
Classic+ is a new wine loyalty collecting service designed to show extra love to our clients who love Classic Wine and all we do.
What Do
You Get?
Each offer will be one of the cool wines we find, but only have maybe 12 bottles to play with.
When we receive new allocations, our Classic+ Members will be the first to know, leaving the scraps for everyone else.
We have plans for some very special events that you won't want to miss and... you guessed it... Classic+ members will have the first opportunity to sign-up.
Ready For The Best Part?
as in...
On The House...
Pro Bono...
Skip The Bill...
The Ole Five-Finger Discount...
You Get the Idea

We're in the early rollout of Classic+, so you may have already been enrolled or invited. If not, don't worry.
Your time will come.
In the meantime, give us your email and we'll add you to the notification list when it's opened up to everyone.